Health and Safety Procedures for Hirers

Updated January 2023

This document comprises the following sections:

  1. General statement
  2. Health and Safety Policy
  3. Accident reporting
  4. Fire Prevention and Fire Extinguishers
  5. Food Hygiene
  6. Risk Assessments and bouncy castles
  7. Licensing Act 2003
  8. Alcohol Policy
  9. Gas Cylinders
  10. Access to chemicals
  11. Access and accessible areas
  12. General notes

Part 1: General Statement regarding Health & Safety

The management committee considers the promotion of health and safety of those who use its premises to be of great importance.  The committee undertakes to keep the Centre and its immediate environs in a safe condition for all users.  We intend to comply with all health and safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.  We recognise that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe procedures. 

This document is provided to Hirers who are asked to sign that they have read it and understood its conditions at the point of signing the Hire Agreement.

Hirers and users and volunteers will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the committee, with all the safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and others.   In particular they are expected to:

  • co-operate fully on health and safety matters
  • follow health and safety policies and procedures
  • report any incidents which have or may have led to injury or damage
  • not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety

The Centre’s full Health & Safety policy is available at the Centre for perusal by Hirers and can be found with the Accident Recording Book and First Aid Box (Cupboard in kitchen).

Part Two: Health & Safety Policy

St Luke’s Centre management committee, on behalf of the PCC, has overall responsibility for health and safety at the Centre.

It is the duty of all hirers and users to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities, and to cooperate with the management committee to keep the premises safe.   Safety notices should not be removed or defaced.

Should anyone using the hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which may cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately, they should inform the Bookings Manager as soon as possible. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be put on it warning it is not to be used and it should be placed in the Kitchen.

Part Three: Accident reporting

The Accident Book located with the First Aid kit in the designated cupboard in the kitchen must be completed for all accidents and incidents.  The Hirer must inform the Booking Manager if the accident resulted in the need for professional medical attention.  Where this occurs an investigation will be undertaken and the Hirer may be asked to submit a written statement.  The notification of RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) accidents, dangerous occurrences and work related ill health will be undertaken by a member of the committee.

Accident reports and related information will be held by St Luke’s Centre for a minimum of 3 years from the date of the accident.

A First Aid box and display notice are provided.  The contents of the box are checked and restocked weekly.  There is a defibrillator near the post box outside the Co-op store.

Part Four: Fire Prevention and Extinguishers

Before your event begins a check should be made to ensure that all appropriate fire exits are unlocked and clear of obstruction before any meeting /event takes place.  These exits are in the main hall, café and of main corridor.

There are two Water Extinguishers in the main hall and a Foam Extinguisher and Fire Blanket in the kitchen area.  Fire Extinguishers must not be removed from their locations except in an emergency.  Fire prevention notices should not be moved. 

Candles should not be used except for small candles on celebration cakes (e.g. birthday cakes).  Battery operated candles are permitted.

If a fire is discovered then the Hirer or other adult present should:

  • Immediately raise the alarm
  • Call 999
  • Check the building for occupants
  • Attack the fire, if possible, within one’s personal capability, without taking unnecessary personal risk
  • Evacuate the building closing doors behind you
  • Gather all in the Village car park (outside the Co-op shop)
  • Check the presence of all at the evacuation point.

The Fire Plan is to be found in the Kitchen and Main Hall.

Part Five: Food Hygiene

Hirers are requested to follow the instruction notices for use of the kitchen equipment, preparation of food and cleaning notes to be found in the Kitchen area.

Part Six: Risk Assessments

Hires are responsible for ensuring that risk assessments are completed prior to the use of any specialist equipment including play equipment such as bouncy castles on the St Luke’s Centre site.  The Hirer or supplier must have appropriate insurance and this should be made available to the Bookings Manager or a Committee Member on request.

Part Seven: Licencing Act 2003

If the Hirer intends having live music, recorded music or intends showing a film (not for profit only) then the prior written permission of the Committee must be sought and will be an addition to the Hiring Agreement.  If a film is shown the Hirer accepts responsibility for ensuring that each screening abides by age classification ratings.

Part Eight: Alcohol

The Hirer is requested to follow the Centre’s alcohol policy which is on the Centre’s website.

Part Nine: Gas Cylinders

If gas cylinders are brought on site, for whatever reason (e.g. BBQ or balloon inflation), then firstly the Management Committee’s approval must be sought and the user / hirer must have obtained appropriate insurance cover.

Part Ten: Access to Chemicals

The hirer should be aware that potentially harmful chemicals, in the form of cleaning materials, are located in the cleaning cupboard (main corridor) and under the sink in the kitchen.

Hirers should ensure that children are supervised whilst in the kitchen area.

The cleaning cupboard is to be kept locked however; a key is located on a hook towards the top of the door frame. This is sufficiently high to deter the younger children but hirers should be mindful of inquisitive older children in their care.

Part Eleven: Access and accessible areas

Hirers should be aware that the main access route into the centre can become slippery (wet leaves, ice, snow) particularly on the steeper sections. The Management Committee will ensure, to the best of their ability that this route is kept clear. The hirer should be mindful of ongoing weather conditions and consider directly users of the venue to take the lower path into the centre.

SLC has a retaining wall with a significant drop located from a relatively flat area of grass/woodchip. Hirers are to ensure that children are supervised whilst in this area.

Hirers are advised that access to the side or rear of the building is not permitted beyond the limit of any tarmac/slabs or the wooden steps.

Part Twelve: General notes

Hirers are asked not to put notices / displays on the walls or attempt to hang anything from the ceiling.  The use of step ladders is not permitted.  Helium balloons should be weighted to prevent them rising to the ceiling.

If outdoor activities are taking place an adult should be present at all times.